Monday Morning Mentor - Commit To Communicate

Monday Morning Mentor - Commit To Communicate

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November 16, 2020
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Aaron Gutekunst
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Education & Best Practices

On this episode of Monday Morning Mentor, Frank Chimento issues a challenge to real estate agents as part of a commitment to communicate. Discover how to easily leap frog your competition by making a simple one-week commitment. Our real estate industry is notorious for having poor communication and slow response times with colleagues, industry personnel and customers and clients. Frank will share some mind-blowing statistics about customer response, as well as share a personal story about looking for a home and the real-world experience he received. Get ready to move your business forward and accept this week’s challenge to move beyond mediocrity and into excellence! Want to learn more about how Elevate’s easy-to-use platform can assist? Take a tour today:

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