Ever wondered if your personality resonates with your profession? Wouldn’t it be ideal to have a profession that goes in hand with your personality so you can always be yourself and not have to pretend to be someone else? If you are a real estate agent that is still trying to find your place in this professional space, you are reading the right blog. Read along and find out!
According to research by T3 Sixty (a real estate research firm), there are four personality types amongst real estate agents broken down into two groups.
Prospectors and Converters: These are agents that love to pursue leads, make lots of follow-up calls to strangers and use every technique to close and book those deals. They spend most of their days calling for dollars.
Networker and Marketer: These are agents that are most interested in building long-term relationships with clients. They believe that building relationships will help them get more referrals and repeat business. They spend most of their days meeting referrals and working with clients.
The next question you would ask yourself is how do I do know which kind of agent am I? The answer is simple if you are a high-powered, hard-driving salesperson then you might enjoy chasing down leads but if you are like most of the new Realtors you have a different concept. You want a business where your contacts, clients and reputation and strong marketing system are driving your success. If you choose the latter then you are in luck, IXACT Contact’s CRM and Marketing Automation helps you achieve those goals.
One of the most important aspects of a networker/marketer is to build relationships. You might wonder why it is important to build relationships. When you focus your marketing strategy on building relationships then you are building a network of people who are likely to recommend you to others and past clients are likely to use your services for their next move too. You become the number one agent in a very exclusive and beneficial niche: your contacts. The more people you know, like and trust the more referrals and repeat business you will get. Essentially the next question arises, how do you make it work? How does the relationship-building strategy work? Let’s break it down into 2 basic steps.
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